Hi all,
We wanted to send a quick note regarding the Covid Relief bill that was voted on this weekend. As part of the bill, the first $10,200 of unemployment income will not be taxable on your 2020 tax return.
As the bill hasn't been completely finalized yetor signed into law, the details on the processing of the returns affected has yet to come out from the IRS.
Brothers, Sisters, and Kin,
Please join IATSE Local 750 & Broadway in Chicago in supporting a national initiative to save our vibrant theatres in Chicago and across the country: #SAVEOURSTAGES
We need our elected officials to come together in support of COVID-19 relief legislation that includes the bipartisan Save Our Stages Act, S. 4258 and H.R.
WE ARE EVENTS #RedAlertRESTART Tuesday September 1st!
Please come out to the Allstate Arena on Tuesday, September 1st at 9pm as we participate in the We Make Events #RedAlertRESTART. Government Officials, Labor Leaders, and News Outlets will be joining IATSE Local 2 to show their support for the events industry and help bring awareness to the devastation COVID-19 has caused us and our families.
Dear Sisters and Brothers,
I hope this message finds you and your loved ones healthy and safe. As you know, without congressional action the $600 weekly Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation, authorized by the CARES Act and which supplements your state unemployment benefits, will expire on July 31st.
Monday, June 1, 2020
We share in the heartbreak, frustration and anger surrounding the tragic murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis Police. We stand in solidarity with the African-American community as together we grieve yet another lawless, racist killing in our country.
Brothers and Sisters of Local 750,
Welcome to our brand new website!
In light of the recent events surrounding COVID-19 and the impact that it's had on our craft, we've made every effort to communicate vital information with the membership as it becomes available.