Dear Sisters and Brothers,
I hope this message finds you and your loved ones healthy and safe. As you know, without congressional action the $600 weekly Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation, authorized by the CARES Act and which supplements your state unemployment benefits, will expire on July 31st. House Speaker Pelosi’s “HEROES Act”, which passed the House on May 15, can extend this benefit through January 2021 but only if passed by the Senate. The HEROES Act also addresses most of IATSE’s subsequent COVID-19 legislative priorities. For more information please log onto the following IATSE link:
This is a call to action for everyone to: write their Members of Congress to continue to assert IATSE’s subsequent COVID-19 legislative priorities AND call their Senators to tell them to support the HEROES Act.
In the coming election, voting by mail will be a key part of making sure we’re heard. The attached document from the AFL-CIO provides how voting by mail works and why we need it now, it also dispels myths that surround the process. We highly encourage voting by mail.
Yesterday, Governor Pritzker announced that despite Illinois doing well to keep COVID-19 spread minimized, he’s holding off on a complete re-opening of Illinois until a vaccine is readily available. Click on the following link to read details:
Fortunately, Oxford University, in collaboration with AstraZeneca, has some promising vaccine news detailed in the following links:
A news release earlier today surprised many by announcing that the University of Illinois “Fighting Illini” Football Team will be allowed to host up to 12,000 fans at home games in Memorial Stadium. Read the following link for details:
Prior to a vaccine , COVID-19 has created many complicated challenges when it comes to re-opening live entertainment. Variety Magazine’s story on this topic is found in the following link:
Lights Out: Live Entertainment Business Struggles to Find a Way Forward Amid Pandemic
We’re all in this pandemic together and we’ll get through it together. Please email, text or call as needed, we’re here to help. Thank you.
In Unity,
Craig Carlson
Business Manager, Stagehands Local 2
IATSE, Vice President
Chairman, 9th District, IATSE
Illinois, AFL-CIO Vice President