Brothers, Sisters, and Kin,
Please join IATSE Local 750 & Broadway in Chicago in supporting a national initiative to save our vibrant theatres in Chicago and across the country: #SAVEOURSTAGES
We need our elected officials to come together in support of COVID-19 relief legislation that includes the bipartisan Save Our Stages Act, S. 4258 and H.R. 7806 now, not weeks or even months from now.
As such we are asking you to reach out to your Senators and Representatives as an organization and to your constituents, members, and partners to also reach out to their Senators imploring them to vote for this bill.
Below we have provided you with a template letter to use. Please understand that most theatres are independent businesses, which contribute billions of dollars to their local economies, but they are on the precipice of mass collapse if this critical funding does not come through.
Theaters were among the first to close and will be the last to reopen – arguably the industry hardest hit by the pandemic. This financial assistance would allow these theaters, assets of the community and economic generators, to survive and reopen their doors when it is safe to do so.
BIC Blog post:
Find your Federal Representative’s contact information
Template Letter for Government Officials
I write today in support of COVID-19 relief legislation that includes the bipartisan Save Our Stages Act, S. 4258 and H.R. 7806, which will give America's theaters, which have been closed since March 2020, a fighting chance to survive. Doing so will not only #SaveOurStages, but also assist tens of millions of unemployed workers – not only artists, musicians and union laborers, but also customer service professionals, designers, marketers, advertisers, to name a few – and support surrounding businesses like hotels, restaurants and transportation in the thousands of communities where these theaters exist.
We need our elected officials to come together on COVID-19 assistance now, not weeks or even months from now. Theatres are independent businesses, which contribute billions of dollars to their local economies, but they are on the precipice of mass collapse if this critical funding does not come through.
While the previous PPP and other programs provided some support to the not-for-profit community, larger venues, the most significant contributors to the economic impact in their communities, were not included. As such, these businesses have been completely shuttered and unable to conduct business without long-term support that provides flexibility for the use of funds due to high overhead costs. The theater industry is experiencing upwards of 90% revenue loss and will be closed well into 2021 due to safety concerns posed by large gatherings. This will take a toll on our local economy.
A Chicago study alone estimated that every dollar spent on a ticket or admission to the Arts, $12 in total economic impact is generated, and more paid admission visits are made to the Arts in downtown Chicago each year (7.3 million) than to all of Chicago’s professional sports teams combined (6.7 million).
We are thankful for the support of so many Senators and Representatives that are helping to #SaveOurStages.
Please pass COVID-19 relief legislation that includes the bipartisan Save Our Stages Act, S. 4258 and H.R. 7806. Theaters were among the first to close and will be the last to reopen – arguably the industry hardest hit by the pandemic. This financial assistance would allow these theaters, assets of the community and economic generators to survive and reopen their doors when it is safe to do so.
Thank you for helping us with this and for all your hard work in these uncharted times.